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 Knowledge. MORE than just words.


AS in.. WHY ON EARTH in today's world is this still a Problem ?

It's the hidden silent killer. Rapist of lives and dignity. This is NOT going away.

NOT talking about it, NOT doing more ON it..

NOT watching out for our Seniors who gave US LIFE.. for all our parents did for us ?

Is just wrong !

No, It is not a pretty subject.. EVIL never is.

We all have powerful stories of our lives, that can offer better views on better living. Mine started at age 5. As my moms caregiver through brain aneurysms, strokes, brain damage, car accidents, surgeries, a coma, physical and mental abuse by her husband,

 and various health issues of many types.

All my life I was responsible in some way or another to watchdog for my mom.

 Here's the deal though, My mom was a FIGHTER.

She always bounced back, witnessed to others. BOLD strong, beautiful, LOUD and bossy too

She built her own Green Plant Leasing company with NO help, a really tough job physically with her left side paralyzed..

A Sunday school teacher, Artist, Master Gardener, and more.

SHE never let her health keep her down for long.. till now.

We trusted professionals in a Senior Rehab facility to do IN patient therapy.

She was abused, mistreated, neglected, starved, and other unfortunate levels that led to organ failure.

She died at a very young age of 76.

This has weighed on me deeply. For what i saw there with her mistreatment, & others in this facility i witnessed.

  I decided its time to stand in the doorway & say NO MORE ! 

The worst part, they get away with it with a slap on the hands or a insurance boost, NO JAIL TIME !



 WE are not a nonprofit.. BUT, you can still give and learn with FREE information !
I have created a helpful Senior Life Wellness booklet, ..Just ask.. i can share more on that as a gift.

  Protect your wishes, Medical information, Insurance, home, financial lives easily with this booklet.

As FREE gifts to seniors in need.





I surely do not want to be treated with such disregard. DO YOU ?

Through information sharing... I hope to

BUILD a better bridge between Youth & Aging for recognition to this horrible harm.

 I PRAY down the road to create

 LAWS for lists added state to state on SUED Nursing homes.

So we can make better informed safer choices.

ABUSE in all forms, is wrong. . & why its a vital need for change in our society  !

Teaching our younger generation that bad exists in healthcare also, must be a priority .



 Age 65 and older aging adults, trend to be one of the most significant demographics in the history of our United States.

There has to be EMOTION in this , or we aren't human. 

EMOTION should drive this home to the heart, to a point that you can't stand to see another hurt.

FACT should lead you to determination to STOP ABUSE !


One out of every 10, age 60 or older who live at home suffer some abuse, neglect, financial exploitation.

Half of Seniors suffering with dementia , PTSD, Veterans with medical setbacks,

 are prone to abusive neglect by caregivers, nurses, doctors, staff at nursing homes, rehab centers, to hospitals.

Brain impairments reduce financial judgements, increase the risk of financial exploitation.  

 2 out of every 3 victims are WOMEN.  

1 out of 3 are VETERANS, 1 out of 2 are DISABLED.

 2.6 BILLION dollars of financial loss to seniors yearly !

Not the most joyous topic for aging to be held.

When you open a talk, it opens a response.. that opens a thought and way to make change.

Our YOUTH need to be bridged into this HUGE gap, that being OLDER is somehow uncool.

They need to be Leaders shining the MOST light on this.

Look.. Our parents paved the way for US to have a good life.

It is beyond a doubt the least we can do, to give them our respect, attention and help.


Aging should be a beautiful memory time to rest, share adventures, laugh, cut up..

Rest in dignity. RESPECTED for the attributes given from a lifetime.

Seniors are a vast resource of knowledge, lessons learned, successes, to be treasured.

PREDATORS get a slap on the hands, a fine, back to work, sweep under a rug.. doing it all over.

 Rarely do they do jail time, yet they HURT a Senior to the point of death most times.

This is MURDER of a fragile persons spirit, body, mind, that someone loves, who has rights to live unharmed.





Although medical conditions can cause similar things, SO can ABUSE by neglect & wrongful care..

WATCH for EXTRA signs of these and gently ask questions. For things yourself that are out of the ordinary.

NEVER accuse a senior of bad actions... Gently ask questions.

 Tell them they can communicate via texts, images they themselves record, send to a friend or family.

Written notes they jot down, in a journal tucked away.

Let them know kindly, quietly, they are valued, do not need to be afraid.

Most seniors wont tell you, because they have to reside where they are, afraid of their caregivers.

WE have to stop the interactions that cause harm, see records of facilities, demand directors get MORE involved,

check with our own eyes whats going on, document what we see, report it, demand action when not given.

Seek external help immediately, anytime there is a sign of unsettling change.

Tips to notice abuse are ,.. bruises, withdrawn, out lashing at loved ones,

hiding things, screaming in pain if touched ..even by the hand, arm or shoulders,

foul smells,  which can lead to what happened with my mom numerous times.

C DIFF, a bacterial infection that can lead to sepsis, organ failure !! 

" C DIFF is VERY COMMON.. rampant in senior homes, due to ill care in cleanliness. "

Crying, bed wetting, refusal to attend functions or be involved.

Scattered thoughts, sadness for no reason, loss of appetite, refusal to eat, gazing as if lost.

There's a fine line in being stubborn to being abused. THIS is what bad people prey on, telling you,

'Oh they are just being stubborn today.. or they have dementia, its common.'

PREDATORS use these things against seniors in the hopes YOU will not notice abuse.

And scare Seniors so badly that most will never tell you.

Yes Seniors have health issues, fall easier, feel sad, alone, etc.

But their dignity, respect for their bodies, mind, is worth as much as yours is for yourself. 

I might not stop it everywhere, But i intend to use this platform to reduce it.


The next abused victim.....can very well be YOU or I.

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